Wednesday 26 September 2012

Academy Day 49: Contestants Hangout With Fans from All Over The World!
Today began with a quick re-cap of contestants’ performances in mummy J's class. She talked about what they did well and what they did not do so well. The contestants were encouraged to keep up the good work in the few remaining days and beyond. She then went ahead to advise them on how to save up and invest their money, rather than squander or spend the money on other people, “invest your money and then spend the remaining”, she advised.

The contestants obviously had an interesting time during the "Google hangout" session. They got to know they have fans around the world who called in from Ukraine, France, Nigeria and other parts of the world. They sang and canvassed for votes and sure had a swell time.
They were later asked about how they feel as the season gradually pulls to an end. They all confessed they’ll miss the Academy and faculty members especially Uncle Ben's classes which never went by without dolling out nicknames to them, and also their "moments of torture’.
The day ended as the contestants continued to show their gratitude for the time spent in the Academy which they will not forget in a long while.

As the days roll by, the contestants need your votes more than ever to make it to the end. Who is your favourite contestant? Then crown him/her the winner with your votes...

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